
Pet-Friendly Fencing Options for Homes

Pet-Friendly Fencing Options for Homes

Often, pets require a fenced-in backyard to run around and play in, however, it can be difficult to decide the best pet-friendly fencing option. Texas Fence and Iron’s professional designers and installers are here to help you find the best...

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Guide to Chain Link Fences

Guide to Chain Link Fences

Chain link fences are an affordable fencing option for most properties. They can be used for commercial or residential in a variety of ways. Chain link is extremely durable and a great choice for any project. Read on to learn about a few...

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Fencing for Gardens

Fencing for Gardens

Gardens are a great addition to any home or commercial property. Fencing can help protect a garden from being stepped on, blown away by the elements, or eaten by wildlife. Protection Fencing can help greatly in protecting a yard or garden from...

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Automated Driveway or Entry Gates

Automated Driveway or Entry Gates

If you are a home or property owner, you might have considered all the different ways to protect yourself from trespassers. Putting up signs isn’t always effective in keeping solicitors from knocking on your door, and whoever else you wish to...

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The Importance of Fencing for Gardens

The Importance of Fencing for Gardens

A home garden requires a lot of work, patience, and care in order to have a successful harvest. If you have a passion for growing your own food or flowers, you probably wish to protect it at all costs. Unfortunately, there are a lot of factors...

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Benefits of Having a Horizontal Fence

Benefits of Having a Horizontal Fence

When it comes to your home, there are a variety of things to consider when choosing a wooden fence to surround it. There are a plethora of styles and colors to pick from, so which is best for you? A horizontal fence is one to consider if you’re...

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What Type of Balcony Railing Do I Need?

What Type of Balcony Railing Do I Need?

Balcony railing can do a lot for your property. Whether it is a residential or commercial, the right design and style can add curb appeal and value to your home or apartment complex. The railing also offers a level of safety to a space that would...

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How to Decorate Your Iron Fence

How to Decorate Your Iron Fence

An iron fence by itself can be seen as decorative or aesthetically pleasing, but did you know there are different ways to decorate your iron fence? If you are planning on installing an iron fence, think about decorating it with either plants...

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Best Time of Year for Fence Installation

Best Time of Year for Fence Installation

Installing a fence isn’t as simple as it seems. Depending on the materials desired for the fence, it can be beneficial to install it during a specific time of year. Materials, weather conditions and temperature all play an important role in...

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