How to Build a Noise Reducing Fence

How to Build a Noise Reducing Fence

How to Build a Noise Reducing Fence

Fences can be built to address many different needs, including security, privacy, or aesthetics, but the most forgotten benefit of all is noise reduction. If you live in a populated area or on a busy street, a noise reducing fence can make a world of difference to the living conditions of you and your family. Here are the key elements of a noise reducing fence: 

Add Height

No matter the quality of the fence, you will not achieve noise reduction unless it is built with height to block the sound. If applicable, be sure to check with your Homeowners Association for rules about fence height options before beginning any construction. 

Minimize Fence Gaps

The best constructed noise blocking fences are designed with minimal gaps between panels. This can be achieved easily with many different types of wood or vinyl fences, but the lightweight vinyl material is not as effective when dampening volume. Some homeowners choose to install vinyl directly into their wooden fence for even better soundproofing.

Ensure Stability

Fence durability is essential in reducing noise. To ensure this, make sure to use a quality contractor who produces top notch work and uses quality materials that will last.

Use Dense/ Heavy Materials

The denser the fence material, the more effectively sound can be blocked. Stone, brick, and cement walls also serve as great soundproofing materials but can be expensive and in many neighborhoods not allowed. If you are looking for a wooden fence, red cedar serves as a great sound barrier when these other elements are met. 


Interested in installing a noise reducing fence? Look to Texas Fence and Iron as your solution! Texas Fence and Iron aims to deliver our clients with durable fencing for years to come. Give us a call today to learn about more of our product options or to request an estimate.

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